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Nurturing Self-Regulated Leaders of Tomorrow

We're not just a preschool- we're the launchpad for


"It made me a better mother - and I can leave him in the morning knowing he will be having a wonderful day."

Research on children development is clear that being outdoors and active all day is the best way to raise young children.​
​​​​Of all the local forest schools, it was the closest to European standards for outdoor schooling.
​​​I've volunteered many times and have seen first hand the care taken of children and how Laura takes every opportunity to improve hers and teachers' practices.



-Emeline B.
parent of preschool student
Yelp Review

We're taking early childhood education back to its roots - literally.

Located in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and Ocean Beach, LFE harnesses the power of nature to cultivate self-regulated, confident, and adaptable young minds.

Self-Regulation Is Our North Star, Achieved Through:

Nature as the Classroom

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Unstructured Play

Forget rigid structures. At LFE, play is serious business. It's how we build neural connections, develop executive functions, and foster emotional resilience.

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Mixed Age Groups

Life doesn't happen in age-segregated bubbles. Our mixed-age approach mirrors the real world, fostering leadership, empathy, and advanced learning through peer interactions.

Commitment to Growth

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Our teachers have seen the flaws in traditional systems and are committed to personal growth. We see every day at LFE as a chance to improve alongside the kids.

Our outdoor classroom enhances cognitive function, reduces stress, and improves emotional well-being. It's not just a playground - it's a laboratory for life.

Our program combines cutting-edge neuroscience with the timeless power of nature and play backed by hard research, and teachers committed to creating a continuous learning environment around the child to thrive.

  The result? 

Children who are not just school-ready, but Life-Ready.

Because in a world of exponential change, 

self-regulation isn't just an asset - it's a necessity.

And we're building it from the ground up.

LFE isn't just preparing kids for school - we're preparing them for life. We're cultivating the self-regulated, adaptable, creative thinkers who are going to shape the future. 

Are you ready to give your child the foundation they need to thrive in a rapidly-changing world? 

LFE logo represents the constant pursuit of self regulation.represents the constant pursuit of self regulation.

©2023 by Little Forest Explorers LLC

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